The Bishop has made a simple request.

He needs a new 'mmphft'. We must do our best.

The Relief Society President is tearing her hair,

“There's so much to do!” she cried out in despair.

She consulted her counselors and gave them instructions,

Call the Visiting Teachers and give them directions.

The Primary leaders were asked to assist,

And all the young people were put on the list.

Help spread the word, but, keep it all mum.

Don't let it leak out before Christmas has come.

Just a week before Christmas and all through the Ward,

Everyone is so busy, each working quite hard.

Each has an assignment of their very own,

And each keeps his part from the others unknown.

The High Priests were needed, their wisdom essential.

The Elders were told their help was eventual.

At last it was Christmas - well, it was on the Eve.

And all came together, their projects to weave.

The Elders were waiting to assemble the prize,

As each organization brought forth its surprise.

The Bishop stood still - in absolute shock!

And the Relief Society President had sure turned to rock.

It seems to be obvious there has been some confusion.

Oh, surely all this is just an illusion!

The Relief Society sisters brought a big bowl of fruit;

And the High Priests came lugging a very large boot.

The Primary President dressed angels - so cute.

And the young people marched smartly behind a fine flute.

At all this confusion you may now laugh and hoot.

All the Bishop had wanted was a new Santa suit!

May Winkel © 1995